Welcome to One More Round!

At One More Round, our aim is to promote the vitality and
fearlessness of the human spirit. Our focus is not on the "fighter in front of us", but rather the "fighter within us". We strive to
be Champions in this contest, and to find support through our teammates along the way. Our quest is self discovery, and
self-actualization. Like the Bhagavad Gita says, "“It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly, than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.”

This blog is in essence an ideal, a philosophy, and a Spirit
Collective. "One More Round" means never saying "never",
never saying "can't", never throwing in the towel to the challenges we face in life. Our contributors are men and women who truly live this philosophy, and we are kindred for this reason.

We are a Team of Competitors in the Game of Life, who are
devoted to working side by side to promote our core virtues of Passion, Devotion, Courage, Sacrifice, and above all else, the fostering of a sense of Wonder. We fight the good fight in our hearts, with every beat and every beating. We fight it in the killing fields of our minds. We do this, and learn to fight without really fighting. We learn to rise above.

OMR is a collaboration of thoughts and pieces of wisdom
gathered throughout a lifetime of overcoming external and internal adversaries, all of which are shared by YOU: a fellow warrior. We welcome and encourage you to share with us
stories of triumph, be they yours personally, those of loved ones, or simply something interesting you've found online. Let us use these stories, and the lessons we've gained from them, to lift up and embolden those around us.

Share times in your day or in your life when you didn't
think you could pull yourself up from the mat, from the gutter, or even from the sofa, only to look inside yourself and give everything you had left into taking one more stride forward. Giving your all to going one more round. As collaborators, we gain strength from each others' victories. We can be like
training partners in the Fight of Life.

OMR and its followers represent a breed of men and women who are always believing, always proclaiming, no matter how hard life or an opponent hits us, no matter what struggles lie before us or behind us, that what we will always have left to give is One More Round.